Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Baby Boy

For those of you who know me, you know I'm a proud mama. My baby is now 8. He's not really a baby anymore but I don't want to hear that because he'll always be my baby, even when he's grown and gone. I've decided that he's growing too fast and that I need to figure out a way to stop him from growing. The bricks aren't working anymore and I think my step mom is sneaking miracle grow into his food when I'm not looking. In fact, if anyone has any ideas on how to stop the growing up process, I need you to let me know so that I can stop feeling so darn old.

Anyway, in true proud mama fashion, I've decided to share some pictures with you of my little man. Prepare yourselves. He's a cutie and his smile is really charming. Seriously, don't let him talk you into anything (and I mean anything), he's good at that. Hence the reason we came home from the grocery store with Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked today.

The Spark Diet

With my weight loss success, a lot of people have asked me "what's your secret?" Well, it's not really a secret. I use a wonderful website with all kinds of useful and enlightening information. Why not share the wealth right? Let me start with the link to the actual "Spark Diet." There are trackers for nutrition (calories) and fitness. Need some motivation? How about a plethora of recipes? It's all there.

Need support? There are groups for newly diagnosed diabetics, people with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and depression. Just about any kind of support you need or want, there's a group for it. There are even groups for parents, people with tattoos and groups based on how many pounds you want to lose.

Why keep making excuses? The information is out there. The best part? It's all completely, 100% FREE! (Did this just turn into a commercial?) Seriously though, if you want to lose weight, even if you just need to tone up and get a little more physically fit, this website has what you need. I use it faithfully several times a day. Want to look me up? It's easy, visit my page here.

Taylor Mali

I was recently introduced to a wonderful comic who happens to be a teacher as well. He makes some good points about some things and some of his videos touched base with a few of my teacher friends. Considering I've decided to share a less personal blog for a class of mine, I thought I would start with something light-hearted. I should probably give you fair warning that there is some adult language in the first two videos, but I guarantee watching it is worth it! Especially the first one for all of us who are going to become teachers.